Thursday, August 13, 2015

Grand View Sunrise

Grand View Sunrise is a 18X24 acrylic which was based on a photo taken at the Grand View in Grand Canyon in the middle of winter. It was interesting doing this painting because the photo did some things to the scene that may or may not have been in the original scene due to the light and extreme brightness of the sun. I included some of these aspects in the painting because I wanted to capture the brightness of the morning sun breaking through the snow.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ocean Sunset, August 12, 2015

I just love the ocean and it has been one of the things that I calms me the most and even when I am just painting it, the picture soothes my soul. This was a 18X24 acrylic that is up in a gallery in Phoenix or will be soon through PSA Art Awakenings.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cacti Garden

The picture of the Cacti that I used for this painting was from the Tohono Chul Park in Tucson, AZ and the butterfly was from one at the Botanical Gardens when they do butterfly magic in their greenhouse. I combined the pictures and integrated something different for the background. This is an acrylic on a 10X10 canvas.