Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Art taking a back seat. That seems what life has been for the last few weeks. I have had more time to hang out with people and minister to lots of people and be with people, but art has certainly taken a back seat. I am not sure if that is good or bad. I know people are more important than art and there are some times that I could do art and choice not to because I just do not have the discipline. I have three spray painted backgrounds waiting to be drawn on on my desk and they have been sitting there for two weeks. God was really getting on me the other day on where I spend my time and what I really want. I say I want to do art, but I do not spend my time on it, so is it really a desire or just a fleeting wish. I have limited my creativity for a while. No poetry, no written songs, no photography. I do not think God is very happy about that. I often don't do it because of lack of discipline. It is the same reason I struggle to get up in the morning. I have discipline in some areas of my life and absolutely none in others. So, my prayer is to have a little discipline and to have fun while I am at it. I wonder if I can actually do it.

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