Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things to do for fun for free, Thursday, August 20, 2009

So I have been depressed about my tight financial situation and the fact that I have no money because I have been paying of my life of debt. But I realized today that there are so many fun things that I could be doing that I have either paid the dues for, have the stuff to do it or it is just absolutely free. I just have to kick out of this dispairing mode and do the fun stuff God has for me to do. So here goes with my list and hopes that I do some of these things. Today during lunch I went for a great walk in nature and saw two beautiful butterflies.

Go Workout at the Gym

Swim at the Pool

Take Lucky for a Walk

Paint something

Play with Paint

Color in my coloring Books

Draw Something or someone

Go to the Zoo and sketch

Cook something new with stuff I already have

Clean the kitchen, my room, the yard, whatever

Take a bath

Dance to fun music


Watch a TV show on my gift from God computer

Watch a movie on my computer

Play with the kids

Sword fight with Elliott

Go to the Zoo and just watch the otters play

Call a friend

Talk to God in the hammock

Memorize a passage of scripture

Drink Tea

Put on Lotion

Put on Makeup and believe I am someplace fancy with God just in my own house

Play Guitar Classical or Acoustic or get really brave and play both the same day

Rub Lucky or Daisey

Brush Lucky and give her a cookie

Play with Lucky

Sketch Lucky

Look at inspiring pictures on my computer

Paint one of the pictures

Start the three crazy abstracts that are in my head

Talk with a Friend over tea at my house

Call someone on the phone

Swing in the Park

Lay out in Nature

Go for a Hike

1 comment:

Susan Cepin said...

Cheryl, this is so inspiring! I recently wrote in my journal in all capital letters: "WORK WITH WHAT YOU HAVE." That's what I'm trying to do for the next two months instead of buying new things (especially art supplies). It's good to remember, though, that there's also a whole world of beauty to enjoy and rest in.