Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lost Sheep, Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lost sheep wandering around in the darkness,
Living as if life is fine and under control,
Yet totally bond by Satan’s lies and sin.
The light shines through the narrow crack in the heart;
Some quickly receive it but then turn away,
Some shut it out immediately, hiding deeper within,
Some grab hold not fully realizing but embracing.

What of those who turn away and hide?
I did that so long myself for so many years,
Embracing some of the light, but living in so much bondage,
You still reveal to me more and more light as I grow.
But my heart aches for these lost sheep that cross my path,
All I have to give is our story and Your light;
The passion, love, and compassion are overwhelming.

The long time question remains for all of us:
Are You truly the God You say You are?
Sovereign, loving, holy, just, good, in control of all. . . .
Will I trust You with the lost sheep I see?
They are really Your sheep, not mine;
You have more grace, mercy, love, compassion than me;
May we all be empty vessels to be filled by You.

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